Thank you!

I want to thank everyone who has helped make my dream possible especially Curt Ryle and everyone at Clarksville Creative Sound, Wilitez Katie Poirier (vocal coach A & W Studios), Ron Patterson who got me started in singing through IPop, my family, friends, my vocal coaches and everyone who supports me through IPop and other competitions. A special thanks to David and Sally Avent, who have been with me every step of the way. A special thanks to uncle Al Atkinson and uncle Fred Aldridge for their support over the years. I also want to thank my new sponsor,  David C. Lannan, of LFE Creative, who designed this website and has helped with social media graphics and reels to promote me and my music. 

Sponsorships Available

If you would like to sponsor me, contact Jeannie Franz

Phone: (623) 229-2413


My biggest supporters Volker & Jeannie Franz, my parents. I couldn't do this without them!

Proudly helping Ariel reach for her dreams!

These folks are helping develop my music career - mentoring, recording, songwriting, design and promotion, and keeping me safe.

Curt Ryle & CCS

David C. Lannan

Ron Patterson & IPOP


Thanks to David Avent for always
keeping me safe

Thanks to Sally Avent for helping me with clothes, makeup, hair, etc.

Thank you to my sponsors

Your name could be here as a proud Ariel Franz sponsor. Please help me reach my dream! Every little bit helps.